Donor Explanation Page


Donor explanation page

Thank you for your generosity and your decision to donate to Alin Beit Noam.

Donations to Alin Beit Noam help us run activities for our members – people with complex and severe physical and intellectual disabilities – and aid in the construction of Kiryat Elga – The Neighborhood of Unlimited Possibilities, currently under construction in the Ilanot Kadima Forest.

Everyone gives what they can and all donations are tax deductible under section 46A of the Israeli income tax code. Donations are also tax deductible in the US, Canada, and the UK. 

There are many ways to donate:

There are many ways to donate:

  • Donate through a friend participating in the bike ride – Donations can be made through your friend’s personal page on our website. You can access the page through our list of cyclists. By donating through your friend’s page you can help them reach their NIS 3,000 goal.
    Click here to donate through the rider’s donation page
  • General donations online – If you wish to donate to the campaign but not through a cyclist’s page, please access the general donation page.
    Click here to go to the General Donations page
  • Commercial sponsorship –If you would like to provide commercial sponsorship, please access our sponsorship page. Company employees will be invited to join as riders.
    Click here for the Commercial Sponsorship Page

Click here to see a video clip about The Neighborhood of Unlimited Possibilities:

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